Business todayEducationInteresting stuffUncategorized April 18, 2013

In the box or out of the box?

In our world of business and life we have a big decision to make. Are we in our box or out of it? This is the premise to the book I just finished called. Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box

As we engage with other individuals we can be perceived in two different ways. “In the box” meaning we objectify those we interact with. We feel that we are smarter, more deserving and on a higher plane then other individuals. “Out of the box” meaning we see others as humans with needs just like ours. We are on the same level and want to better understand how we can help others achieve what they want in life. We do this by caring, listening and understanding that we have a desire to help.
A good leader has humility. A good leader listens far more then they speak, and allows the student to realize their true potential.

This book uses an entertaining story about an executive facing challenges at work and at home to expose the precise psychological processes that conceal his true motivations and intentions from himself and trap him in a “box” of endless self-justification.
You get back exactly what you place out in the world. As humans we tend to rationalize everything. When we rationalize over time it creates true self-deception. After a while we completely believe our self-deception as the norm. We then tend to wonder why individuals don’t work as hard as we do, or don’t seem to understand us? CEO’s that can’t get their team to work with them. If they would step out of their box and really see what they are putting out to the world they would then have true perception of what others really see in them.

No matter your profession, your personal relationships, or relationship with kids. This is a great book that will open your eyes to learning how to get out of your own box!

Interesting stuffReal Estate RelatedTechnology February 23, 2011

Where to go to get educated on Social Media!

Image by Stephen Poff

  • Are you overwhelmed today?
  • Not sure if you should be using Twitter, or Facebook, what about linkedin?
  • Do I talk about business or personal stuff?
  • What is too much information and what is not enough?

I get asked these questions all the time, so I thought I would just give you some great starting places and show you how I keep myself informed.

To begin with there is a list of sites you should try to follow on a regular basis that will give you some great ideas and tips to better use these tools.

I follow the Social Media examiner on Facebook. They give me great ideas all the time when it comes to using Social Media in my daily routine.

I also follow Tech savvy agent. He does a great job and cutting out the fat and giving you real meaty ideas on a consistent basis.

Recently Realtor Mag had a great article on Are You Sharing Too Much Online? There are some good things to think about in this article.

I still run across the person that looks at me crossed eyed when I say they need to embrace social networking. They look at me with great scepticism and just shake their head. I explain that no matter what, Real Estate is and always will be a relationship business. That said conversations are happening to enhance relationships a million times a day in the digital world. You know the old saying “If a tree falls in the woods and you aren’t there to hear it, did it actually make any noise?” Yes it did! You just didn’t hear it. Same concept applies in the world of Social Media. If your not participating and engaging in the conversation then someone else is engaging with your friends. This article recently on Realtor mag did a good job at explaining this relationship. Less Is Definitely MORE

Last but not least is Seth Godin. He has a blog that I read daily. His ability to understand the customer and how we engage with them in the world today is spot on. He always has great ideas and feeds them to you in small digestible chunks.

I know many of you are on top of this stuff so please feel free to share the ways you stay ahead of this game!