So it is always interesting when I’m out in the real estate offices as of late and I start to talk about twitter. I will get one of two looks. One will be that of curiousness and wanting to know more, and the other will be a look of skepticism. If you had to guess which one I get more of, which would it be? Well I’ll tell you skepticism wins hands down every time. Many agents today still do not believe that the idea of a 140 character text being of any value in their day to day business. I’m hear to say that isn’t true.
Everyday on Twitter there are people having real honest conversations and accessing resources and information that is Real Estate related.
To get a good idea of Twitter in Real Estate try watching this video.
I recently read a great article about 9 ways to get more out of Twitter and I strongly suggest you take a look at this article from a great blog called. Social Media Examiner. You really do need to just open you mind and understand that the opportunities are limitless if you just try something. You will be amazed what it can do for your business.
Thanks for taking the time.