I'd like you to meet Joie Gowan. Joie as been in the real estate business for over 25 years. I walk past her office daily on the way to my office. Today I walked by and noticed over 100 of these on her floor.
I asked Joie what they were? She told me they are shopping bags wrapped up nicely with a hand written note and a small gift. She explained that they are hand delivered.
You might be saying, "really a shopping bag.?" It's not any old shopping bag, it is a very well maid great designed shopping bag.
I happen to know some of Joie's customers and they tell me that every time they grab this bag out of their car they think about Joie. BINGO!
She does this every year for her customers. I want you to know that Joie understands value and relevance. She also knows that faceless relationships don't last. Maybe this year some of you might take a page out of Joie's book and ask how you are doing something special to be face to face with your customers?