customer services

Business today Are you a Victim or a Player?   I don't know about you but I'm not one to want to hang out with the type of individual who blames everything that happens to them on everyone else. Sure we all know someone like this don't we? They tend to see the negative in most everything, they always have something going wrong in […]
Business today Living in the past can stop forward movement!   From the book the Slight Edge. "Are there things that are incomplete in your life? any unpaid bills? Have you done your taxes? Did you borrow a book or tool you have yet to return? Is there someone who needs to hear you say, "I love you," or, "I'm sorry," or, "Thank you- I […]
Business today How often are you face to face with your customers? I'd like you to meet Joie Gowan. Joie as been in the real estate business for over 25 years. I walk past her office daily on the way to my office. Today I walked by and noticed over 100 of these on her floor. I asked Joie what they were? She told me they are […]
Business today Real Estate as a Career. There are 3 serious questions you need to ask yourself. 1. Am I committed to having Real Estate be my career? 2. Do I believe in the company I work for? 3. Do I believe in myself?   I read a recent blog form 1000watt and there was one part of the post that stuck […]
Business today Real Estate as a Career. There are 3 serious questions you need to ask yourself. 1. Am I committed to having Real Estate be my career? 2. Do I believe in the company I work for? 3. Do I believe in myself? I read a recent blog form 1000watt and there was one part of the post that stuck with […]
Business today It's official I'm switching cleaners! So today was the straw that broke the camels back. You might have read my prior post on poor customer services? Well today my wife sends me the e-mail she received from her cleaners. Keep in mind this isn’t a one time e-mail, this is on going and is such a great value add. When […]
Business today It’s official I’m switching cleaners! So today was the straw that broke the camels back. You might have read my prior post on poor customer services? Well today my wife sends me the e-mail she received from her cleaners. Keep in mind this isn’t a one time e-mail, this is on going and is such a great value add. When […]
Business today It was a poor customer services day.   You know customer services isn’t really that difficult. I’m always amazed at missed opportunities companies have to make our life’s easier so that we too will sing their praises. Well today I want to share with you 3 missed opportunities. 1. Windermere 76 Gas station. I recently was t boned in my car so […]
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Business today Companies to talk about. I know we all grumble about insurance. Well I know I do. I have to tell you that I won’t grumble anymore. The above photo is my car after it was T-boned in an intersection about a block from my house yesterday. ” No one was hurt and it was actually my neighbor who collided […]
customer services Building relationships haven’t changed much!     Recently I read a post on Seth Godin’s blog that really hit home for me as I’m out trying to teach how to be social in today’s new world of micro interactions. Below is a quote to his blog, click on it to read the full post. “It’s still people. We still have […]
customer services Building relationships haven't changed much! Recently I read a post on Seth Godin’s blog that really hit home for me as I’m out trying to teach how to be social in today’s new world of micro interactions. Below is a quote to his blog, click on it to read the full post. “It’s still people. We still have one and […]
customer services Try something for 30 days! This is an older video form but worth mentioning again. Matt Cutts talks about changing our life by trying something for 30 days. Strangely enough if we do something for 30 days it can easily become a habit. Many times I hear Brokers say “I can’t do that because I’m too busy”. I then […]
Business today What is "Fabled Services"? The last few days I’ve been teaching for Windermere in a class called Ninja Installation! The class is about life and business and the concept of, the more you give the more you receive. It also is about mastery and being extra ordinary, going above and beyond and getting people to say WOW!. By doing […]
Business today What is “Fabled Services”? The last few days I’ve been teaching for Windermere in a class called Ninja Installation! The class is about life and business and the concept of, the more you give the more you receive. It also is about mastery and being extra ordinary, going above and beyond and getting people to say WOW!. By doing […]
Business today Excellence vs mediocre, your decision. I recently watch a video from the Inman confernece in New York where Chris Smith was interviewing Phil Libin the CEO of evernote. There were two things he said that really stuck out to me. The first was that there are some amazing sites out there for searching real estate, however he did not mention […]
Business today The fabric of the Windermere culture. Being out in the field I’m often asked what is it about Windermere that has kept me here for 14 years. There are many reasons but below is a quote form a colleague and friend of mine at Windermere, Pat Grimm. This  was written on the bottom of his owner’s meeting agenda for next week. […]
Business today Social Media does not generate business, relationships generate business! Yep you heard that correctly! I just attended an amazing Windermere Installation taught by Larry Kendall from the Group out of Fort Collins Colorado.  The entire premise of the Ninja program is based around being in the FLOW, and understanding that Real Estate is a CAREER! I’m always amazed when I talk to groups of Realtors and […]
Business today Social Media isn’t a popularity contest! I read a great article yesterday by Brian Solis, Marketing executive with Altimeter. His blog post was “The number one least asked questions in Social Media. Why?” The points he makes in this article is the key to why we do Social Media. There are so many of us that think Social Media is a […]
Business today Social Media isn't a popularity contest! I read a great article yesterday by Brian Solis, Marketing executive with Altimeter. His blog post was “The number one least asked questions in Social Media. Why?” The points he makes in this article is the key to why we do Social Media. There are so many of us that think Social Media is a […]
Business today To what extent do you go to offer great customer services? When your a real estate professional sometimes your services doesn’t just extend to your customers but what about the customers on the other side? Recently I sold my home and my home uses oil for heating. The tank for this home is underground and as some of you may or may not know at some point […]