Business todaycustomer servicesLiving November 30, 2012

Living in the past can stop forward movement!


From the book the Slight Edge.

"Are there things that are incomplete in your life? any unpaid bills? Have you done your taxes? Did you borrow a book or tool you have yet to return? Is there someone who needs to hear you say, "I love you," or, "I'm sorry," or, "Thank you- I appreciate you"? Do you have any unfinished projects? Any unkept promises- taking a weekend away with your spouse, or taking your kids somewhere special? Are there any agreements or commitments you left hanging?

Each and every incomplete thing in your life or work exerts a draining force on you, sucking the energy of accomplishment and success out of you and leaving you in less then a positive mental state.

Here is the unfortunate and powerfully destructive truth of being incomplete: it keeps the past alive. Remember, people who live on the success curve are pulled by the future, while those who dwell on the failure curve are pulled by the past. And a surefire way to be forced to live as a prisoner of your past is to not complete things."

The book the slight edge is a powerful and thought provoking book that I guarantee will help you to look at your life differently. It has helped me to better understand how every decision I make in life has a negative or positive impact on my future.