Interesting stuffReal Estate RelatedUncategorized March 15, 2010

Are you genuine with your customer base?

Recently I had the pleasure of sitting down with Julie Hall over a cup of coffee to talk about her approach to being a successful gen Y real estate agent. Julie is a successful Associate Broker in our Renton office but her approach to engaging with her clients is different than what a traditional agent is doing today.

Julie is in her 4th year in real estate getting her start in 2006. In her third year in the business she was one of the high-producing agents in her office during one of the worst years in real estate. I was curious how a 28 year old new agent could do so well compared to many veteran agents in the real estate industry who were struggling.

My first question for Julie was “where does your business come from?” Here response was “Facebook.”

Julie has a very simple, genuine, and direct approach. She said by being involved in Facebook, people in her circle of friends post life changing events everyday and that allows her to be in their life. All she does at that point is interact with those individuals, whether providing a resource, lending an ear, or telling them she “likes” what they are doing. You won’t see her selling or bragging about her business. What you will see is Julie being Julie. On any given day you may see her say things like:

“CONGRATS to the Cronk’s today! We are doing final walk-through and signing for their new Quadrant home.” or

“Helping my client clean his hot tub, now keep your fingers crossed that it works! Can’t wait for hot tub Thursdays!”

In addition to celebrating client’s opportunities and victories you may also see Julie supporting her friends and their accomplishments, for example:

“Lisabet is great ~ if you think you want some spa love during the day think about using Mod Beauty Squad! Fan them on FB too.” (after recently seeing Lisabet on Evening Magazine).

I asked Julie to sum up for me what it is about Facebook that allows her to stay so connected to her circle of friends?

She replied “I get an opportunity to be a part of the small things in their lives that a cocktail party might not reveal; little things that can start huge conversations. There are many ways to integrate yourself into a conversation without being in their face all of the time. I also have the opportunity to meet people connected to my friends that I could not necessarily meet in another way – I have had many couples become clients because I have stayed in touch with them throughout their transition, whether a wedding, divorce, or a move. I look for change. Facebook is also a good chance to quickly brand yourself as an expert – I get many questions from friends because of how easy it is to use FB while staying in their comfort zone (and not scary to call up a real estate office).”

Julie wants other real estate agents to know that this has not happened overnight. She makes a conscious effort to grow her pool of friends and create quality relationships. She joined Facebook about 6 years ago. Since then Facebook has become a larger tool for social networking.

Now, go make friends and Facebook!

Real Estate RelatedUncategorized March 2, 2010

Something to consider when buying a home…

Having lunch today with a friend and we got on the topic of customer service.  He was upset because over the weekend he was working with a very large bank that will remain nameless, trying to approve a business line of credit.  He was frustrated because he felt as if he was being treated like a number, just a small cog in this big banks red tape process, and no one seemed to really care about him

whatsoever. I asked him to tell me what he would deem to be amazing customer service.

The first thing he said was that he wanted to at least feel like they care. I said, “Well, how do you measure that? How do you know at any point they care?”  He said:

· when he feels like the relationship is genuine

· when the conversations is more about why he needs this line, vs. what the process is to get the line

· when there is daily communication, good or bad, about what is needed

· when questions are answered before they are asked

· when the person working for him is two steps in front of him making sure that any possible problems are  anticipated and dealt with together, keeping him in the loop

· when his questions are answered in a timely manner

At the end of the day, they know who he is and what he is about. They are now on his side making sure the services he is getting will end with a positive result. And no matter what it takes, the job will get done, and there are no surprises .

He said, “I’m not asking for a miracle I just what a loan!” I laughed, but he had a point.  So now I was curious. I wanted to know what other people deem to be great customer service.  What better place to go then to and see what is being said.

Here are just a few I found.

“She doesn’t just know her way around houses, she is very well versed in real estate law, and can handle even the trickiest of transactions with grace and a genuinely vested interest in the happiness of both parties.”

“He worked wonders in negotiation and helped us land an amazing house.  I fully recommend Kevin, he is a good soul that wants to see you happy in your new home!!”

“Kimberlee is a one of a kind agent.  She takes your real estate needs and expectations personally and ensures everything goes smoothly.  Kimberlee gives a 150% to all her clients!”

“I really can’t say enough good things about Desiree and also her assistant Jesse.  Bottom line is that their attention to detail, expertise, friendly and amazing service have made a daunting process accessible and almost pleasurable. If you’ve ever bought your first house you’ll know it’s a roller coaster no matter who your agent is because of all the emotional attachments plus the seller, lender, inspection issues.  Good agents practically become counselors – helping you to manage your expectations and emotions and stay focused and on-track with what is really possible and achievable and Desiree really excelled at this.”

“Through the whole process, even though she had other clients, we always felt like the top priority. They say that buying a house is stressful but we didn’t think so. Domenica even helped us find a great mortgage broker. The whole process was totally painless, she let us make decisions and was frank and honest when reality checks were needed.”

As you can see, they all have a common theme, just like my friend wanted.  You! The customer wants to know that he or she is taken care of, that the company cares, that the company is professional at what we do. And that your stress is minimized because someone has your back. So the whole point to this post is this: As you demand quality services, seek out the professionals that have a proven track record, or come highly recommended. Find the individuals you connect with and then establish a relationship that is based on trust and great communication.  If you do this, I guarantee your customer service expectation will be exceeded.

Real Estate Related February 17, 2010

The new Windermere Beta search site launched.

Yesterday Windermere launched their improved home page. After lots of feed back from the public we realized there were some features that we needed to bring back. You will now see on the main page the ability to use a general map, advanced search parameters, and better organization of over all information. You will also notice a red feedbcack tab. We really want to hear from you as to what you like and what you don’t like, and don’t hold back.

Thanks for taking the time

Real Estate RelatedUncategorized February 3, 2010

There isn’t an app for that!

As I was driving in today to work and listening to track 13 of the new Black Eye Peas CD called (Now Generation) it made me think about the world we live in today.  We really have become a now generation.  We want everything to be instant and without flaw and to have little face to face interaction.  This week I was out on a walk with a friend of mine and we were looking at beautiful homes in Capitol hill. He said” hey how do I find out what these homes are selling for?”  He pulled out his I phone and said” isn’t there a app for that?” I just laughed and said yeah there is a ton.  He procedded to open one up and it wasn’t working to his satisfaction so he said “don’t they understand this frustrates me?” Again I laughed and realized that this has become the world in which we live in.  As a company that prides itself on customer services and making sure we take care of our buyers and sellers to the best of our ability we have to better understand the now generation.

We can make all the wiz-bang applications that give information to hand held devices, and have websites that search with a fine tooth combs but what really matters at the end of the day is the quality of the Real Estate professional who understands the ins and out of this maze your are about to embark on with buying or selling a home.  With the litigious society we live in and the complication of a real estate transactions today you need to know that the professional you decide to hire is prepared and skilled at guiding you through this process with little to no injury.  And I have to tell you there isn’t a app for that!

Real Estate RelatedUncategorized February 3, 2010

There isn't an app for that!

As I was driving in today to work and listening to track 13 of the new Black Eye Peas CD called (Now Generation) it made me think about the world we live in today.  We really have become a now generation.  We want everything to be instant and without flaw and to have little face to face interaction.  This week I was out on a walk with a friend of mine and we were looking at beautiful homes in Capitol hill. He said” hey how do I find out what these homes are selling for?”  He pulled out his I phone and said” isn’t there a app for that?” I just laughed and said yeah there is a ton.  He procedded to open one up and it wasn’t working to his satisfaction so he said “don’t they understand this frustrates me?” Again I laughed and realized that this has become the world in which we live in.  As a company that prides itself on customer services and making sure we take care of our buyers and sellers to the best of our ability we have to better understand the now generation.

We can make all the wiz-bang applications that give information to hand held devices, and have websites that search with a fine tooth combs but what really matters at the end of the day is the quality of the Real Estate professional who understands the ins and out of this maze your are about to embark on with buying or selling a home.  With the litigious society we live in and the complication of a real estate transactions today you need to know that the professional you decide to hire is prepared and skilled at guiding you through this process with little to no injury.  And I have to tell you there isn’t a app for that!

Real Estate RelatedUncategorized January 20, 2010

Twitter for real estate, yes or no?

So it is always interesting when I’m out in the real estate offices as of late and I start to talk about twitter. I will get one of two looks. One will be that of curiousness and wanting to know more, and the other will be a look of skepticism.  If you had to guess which one I get more of, which would it be?  Well I’ll tell you skepticism wins hands down every time. Many agents today still do not believe that the idea of a 140 character text being of any value  in their day to day business. I’m hear to say that isn’t true.

Everyday on Twitter there are people having real honest conversations and accessing resources and information that is Real Estate related.

To get a good idea of Twitter in Real Estate try watching this video.

Twitter from Steve Schwartz,

I recently read a great article about 9 ways to get more out of Twitter and I strongly suggest you take a look at this article from a great blog called. Social Media Examiner.  You really do need to just open you mind and understand that the opportunities are limitless if you just try something. You will be amazed what it can do for your business.

Thanks for taking the time.

Real Estate Related January 11, 2010

Do you have a tribe?

Ok if your not a Seth Godin fan then you should be. You can subscribe to his blog @ This video that he did has some really great points that I think are very relevant to the Real Estate Industry.

He makes a great point about not trying to please everyone with your product or services. Just make sure what you do is the very best for the niche that your are trying to serve (your tribe).  His example of Apple vs Nokia is a great one. Apple said hey lets make a phone that is very expensive and isn’t for everyone and does some very specific things well,  and look what happened. Then Nokia said he lets make an average phone that is either free or very inexpensive and see what we get.

This concept holds true for you business. Don’t try to be the best price on the block or the best bargain. Create a services that is the best and make it invitation only. You will be amazed at the response you will get compared to being the bargain average services.

Thanks for taking the time.

Real Estate Related December 15, 2009

What drives your social media efforts?

When you look at the bigger picture of Social Media you need to have an engine that drives content to each Social Media site.  In most cases with the successful agents today that content is being driven from a blog based website.  Here are some key elements for this blog based website.

  1. Make sure the content you are writing about is something you are passionate about.
  2. Even though this is a blog make sure it has a good real estate based search tool. (I use Networkhome for my blog)
  3. Make sure the blog is your own domain name not the domain given from the blog platform ex. instead of
  4. Add a Become a Fan on Facebook widget to your blog page. This is done by using the Networkedblog tool in facebook.
After you have established a great blog you will then want to make sure you have set up blog syndication in three places.
  1. Facebook professional pages
  2. Linkedin in
  3. Twitter.
Facebook makes this very easy by using an application called networkedblogs. Once installed on your page you can set the feed settings to be automatic. This way when you publish a new blog article it will auto post to your facebook professional page. Once inside facebook you can see how successful your post are by using the insight tool that is built into the professional page tool. (They now show you how users are interacting with your page, broken down by Wall posts, likes and comments.)
The next step is to make sure your professional page is linked to your twitter account. You can do this by going to this link
You will then want to set up syndication on your linkedin account. This is done by adding the application called blog link. Now your blog will automatically syndicate to your linkedin account as well.
By doing all this it will help to increase your readership and reach of your blog to the readers that want to engage with you. Remember stay on topic, be consistent, and interact daily.
Thanks for taking the time.
Uncategorized November 19, 2009

Social Media a Fad I don't think so.

So if you haven’t seen any of the Did you know videos or any of the Social Media Revolution videos you are not opening your mind to just what is going on around us today. I can’t tell you how many times I’m out in the field and here people say things like “Wow why would you waste so much time on facebook?” or “I sale Real Estate I  don’t have time to mess around with stuff like that.”

I would ask you to take a look at some of the videos I have posted in this article and understand that the customer today is moving into the Social Media world much faster then the companies that sell them products and services.  We still haven’t nailed down how to get in the space successfully. There are many good ideas out there but it all starts with education and an understanding of just how big this revolution is. Hopefully some of these videos will help you to better understand what is happening.

Did you know 4.0

Did you know 3.0

Social Media Revolution

Social Media in plain Englisn

Are you engaged?

Uncategorized November 19, 2009

Social Media a Fad I don’t think so.

So if you haven’t seen any of the Did you know videos or any of the Social Media Revolution videos you are not opening your mind to just what is going on around us today. I can’t tell you how many times I’m out in the field and here people say things like “Wow why would you waste so much time on facebook?” or “I sale Real Estate I  don’t have time to mess around with stuff like that.”

I would ask you to take a look at some of the videos I have posted in this article and understand that the customer today is moving into the Social Media world much faster then the companies that sell them products and services.  We still haven’t nailed down how to get in the space successfully. There are many good ideas out there but it all starts with education and an understanding of just how big this revolution is. Hopefully some of these videos will help you to better understand what is happening.

Did you know 4.0

Did you know 3.0

Social Media Revolution

Social Media in plain Englisn

Are you engaged?