Photo by Paul G.
So I just finished being a buyer in this market place and now I’m stepping into being a Seller. I want to be clear, I do work for Windermere but not as a Realtor. My opinion’s are my own on this particular topic.
As I was a buyer I want to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes that I experienced from other sellers as I went through the process.
1. Do you really want to sell your home? If you do, then hire an experienced real estate agent. It’s very important that they are able to have an intelligent discussion with you about what the price of your home should be, if you are telling them what the price is and they are just agreeing with you then you need to find a different Realtor. As a seller you are always going to think your home is worth more than where the market truly is. Be realistic about your home’s value, if you aren’t then the Realtor is suppose to bring you back to reality.
2. Your Realtor should suggest that you either move out and let them stage your home or they help you to minimize what you have in the home so that it can be shown at its best. Please don’t be at the home when it is being shown. This is just awkward and from a buyers perspective it is strange.
3. When you have put your heart and soul into the upgrades on the home don’t be offended when the buyer doesn’t see it that way. Remember it was your heart and soul not the buyer’s heart and soul.
4. Instead of trying to negotiate the listing commissions talk to your Realtor about maybe helping out with getting the home cleaned, and the yard groomed and other little things that don’t cost much but will put your home in the best light.
5. Have your home professional photographed. Most professional Realtors will do this anyway. If they aren’t doing this then I would ask why. You have a very small window to capture the buyer’s eye and using a professional photographer is the best way to do that.
6. When you are 40 days into this listing and you have done everything above, and no offers are coming in don’t blame the Realtor. Look in the mirror and tell yourself to reduce the price. So many times I hear sellers say “well buyers just aren’t buying.” NO…. they just aren’t buying your house and there is a reason for that. It’s OVER PRICED!
Now I hope I don’t have to eat crow here but I’m going to be a seller in about two weeks. I’m going to take my own advice for sure and I’ll let you know how it goes.
if you recently Sold your home and found something that worked well please share.