EducationInteresting stuff June 28, 2012

What list do you play in your head?

A Recent post form Seth Godin talked about us all having a list and that list becomes what we tend to focus on whenever we need to make a decisions. Here were his examples.

"I don't have a manager, I need to pay off student debt, my boss never lets me, I'm really busy because of soccer season, my knee is acting up, there's already five galas coming up, my RSI hurts when I type, I don't have a degree, I have a degree and can't waste it, I'm not good at that, I tried it before but it didn't work, I've never tried it before, the weather is crazy, isn't it, the election is right around the corner, it's been too long at this job they won't listen to me, I'm going to retire soon, I'm too young, I'll never learn, it's too risky…"

Do you notice anything about this list? Much of it has a very negative hint to it. There is so much we end up not doing in life because we have trained our brain to have a fixed mindset. We play negative lists over and over in our heads until it absolutely becomes reality.

One thing to always remember, what you focus on will expand. The next time you find yourself sitting at the traffic light in your car alone, listen very carefully to what that voice inside your head is saying. Are you repeating a positive list or a negative list. You will be very surprised how just changing that voice to a positive tone will have a huge impact on how you view your life in general.

Business todayLiving February 13, 2012

What you focus on expands.

Have you ever been around someone and they just seem to darken the room? Their thoughts are just so entrenched on a negative focus and they never seem to understand why they attract so much negativity. Then you also know those individuals that seem to have such amazing things happen to them and they are always there to help or be involved in your world in such a positive space.

It got me thinking about something I heard a week ago from Larry Kendall. What you focus on expands. Our minds are amazing in what they are capable of doing. In order to achieve in your business, in a relationship, or as a parent there are 3 things you need. Mindset, skilset, and actions. No matter if it is your business, a relationship, or a dream there are actions needed and those actions have big or small impact based on your skill set. The most powerful however is mindset. We all typically know what we need to do and most of us have the skills but mindset will over rule the other two on any given day.
Many people are paralyzed simply because they do not have their mind set in a positive and proactive place. We see this all the time. They know what they need to do, they know how to do it, but they have been playing negative tapes for so long that it stops them in their tracks.

My point to all this is that you can apply yourself all day long, and read books to learn about skills in business or life but none of it will work until you get your mind in a positive place and you learn to focus that positive attitude daily. Anyone can be negative it isn’t hard to do, it’s harder to show up and be positive and think about how you can go out and make someone’s day. If you start to focus on being positive it too will expand. My Dad always told me “son if it was easy then everyone would be doing it.” Being positive day in and day out isn’t easy but that positive attitude rubs off on others and that in itself can be addicting. Give it a try and see how it changes your life.