
Business today Let's be "REAL" people! I want you to think about this quote for just a min. “To utilize social media tools effectively and properly, you must absolutely generate spontaneous communications in direct response to what others are saying or to what is happening in that moment. Be yourself. Be conversational. Be engaged.” – Aliza Sherman, co-owner of social marketing firm […]
Interesting stuff Being factual today is more important than ever. Seems that today everyone and their mother are walking around with hand held smart phones and they have them in quick draw mode. More so than ever you need to make sure you know what your talking about these days. My father is a great example of this. In his day when you told a […]
Real Estate Related Real Estate Scam from China. Last week, one of our agents was contacted via email from a man wanting to buy this agent’s listing (Condo).  This man claims he is about to retire  from China and move to the USA.  He wants to pay cash and wants the agent to write up the transaction and Docusign it to him.  The […]
Business today Whats the deal with business cards? So I was looking at my desk the other day and noticed a stack of business cards that I have collected over the past few months. You know how it goes, you go to a business meeting and we all exchange business cards. While in the meeting if I look around the room I also […]
Uncategorized How do you get back to the basics when the basics have changed? Recently I attended the Windermere Owners Retreat in Suncadia Washington. This is where 100+ Windermere Owners got together for 3 days to talk about where this business of Real Estate is going and how we are going to adapt? We had a key note speaker with us by the name of Michael Staver. He had […]
Real Estate Related Starbucks has it figured out. Recently watched this video form the Social Media Examiner Blog where they interviewed Alex Wheeler who heads up Starbucks social media strategy. I believe Windermere is similar to Starbucks in that  we have overtime created a very strong and successful brand, one agent, one owner, and one office at a time. This didn’t happen over night but happends because we found […]
customer services Digital Interaction gets results. So this is a good example of how sometimes sending an e-mail does help. Today I received a notice on my American Express account that my payment was late. Normally I’m not a late pay guy and with this particular card I’ve have never had a problem. I have had this card for over 10 […]
Real Estate Related Foursquare may already have a place in Real Estate So you may have heard of this new Social Media phenomenon using geo-tagging called Foursquare. It is the newest fastest growing game in the smartphone social media arena today. If you want to get a great idea on how it works here is a great article from Realtor Magazine‘s blog that gives you a better understating about the application. I […]
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Real Estate Related What I learned at RE Bar Camp in Seattle last Friday! It is always interesting what you are going to learn when you attend a BARcamp. Social Media was a very hot topic this year. I attended A few facebook classes and I also attended a few video blogging classes. In the facebook class it was very obvious that agents are still a bit unsure of […]
Uncategorized Don’t be the shut in non social neighbor! Have you ever been sitting inside on a warm sunny day with the windows open and you hear lots of chatter outside?  You open the front door only to find all your neighbors out in their front lawns talking,  their kids are playing and climbing trees. So you venture out and next thing you know and […]
Uncategorized Don't be the shut in non social neighbor! Have you ever been sitting inside on a warm sunny day with the windows open and you hear lots of chatter outside?  You open the front door only to find all your neighbors out in their front lawns talking,  their kids are playing and climbing trees. So you venture out and next thing you know and […]
Interesting stuff Are you genuine with your customer base? Recently I had the pleasure of sitting down with Julie Hall over a cup of coffee to talk about her approach to being a successful gen Y real estate agent. Julie is a successful Associate Broker in our Renton office but her approach to engaging with her clients is different than what a traditional agent […]
Real Estate Related Something to consider when buying a home… Having lunch today with a friend and we got on the topic of customer service.  He was upset because over the weekend he was working with a very large bank that will remain nameless, trying to approve a business line of credit.  He was frustrated because he felt as if he was being treated like a number, […]
Real Estate Related What makes a great leader? This came to me today via e-mail from a co worker of mine (Scott Wetzel). I got to thinking about our business in real estate and how we may come across sometimes to our clients.  In today’s world your buyers and sellers need a person to lead them down a road of success and home […]
customer services What do you know about your customers? Think about this for a min “Today, if you go to an important meeting and you haven’t bothered to Google the person and their company, it’s practically an offense. Your about to spend an hour together and you couldn’t be bothered to look them up? It’s expected, no longer amazing.” With the Internet being what […]
Real Estate Related There isn't an app for that! As I was driving in today to work and listening to track 13 of the new Black Eye Peas CD called (Now Generation) it made me think about the world we live in today.  We really have become a now generation.  We want everything to be instant and without flaw and to have little face […]
Real Estate Related There isn’t an app for that! As I was driving in today to work and listening to track 13 of the new Black Eye Peas CD called (Now Generation) it made me think about the world we live in today.  We really have become a now generation.  We want everything to be instant and without flaw and to have little face […]
Real Estate Related Twitter for real estate, yes or no? So it is always interesting when I’m out in the real estate offices as of late and I start to talk about twitter. I will get one of two looks. One will be that of curiousness and wanting to know more, and the other will be a look of skepticism.  If you had to guess which one I […]
Uncategorized Social Media a Fad I don’t think so. So if you haven’t seen any of the Did you know videos or any of the Social Media Revolution videos you are not opening your mind to just what is going on around us today. I can’t tell you how many times I’m out in the field and here people say things like “Wow why […]
Uncategorized Social Media a Fad I don't think so. So if you haven’t seen any of the Did you know videos or any of the Social Media Revolution videos you are not opening your mind to just what is going on around us today. I can’t tell you how many times I’m out in the field and here people say things like “Wow why […]