
Business today Success starts with you! As an instructor for our Windermere Ninja Installation I’ve come to learn that everyone can have success. It does not matter your upbringing, your education, your income or lack thereof. I have heard amazing stories from all walks of life. Hardships, life struggles, yet these individuals find a way to dig deep and become what […]
Business today In the box or out of the box? In our world of business and life we have a big decision to make. Are we in our box or out of it? This is the premise to the book I just finished called. Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box As we engage with other individuals we can be perceived in two different […]
Business today Leaders all have something in common! So if you’re a college football fan then you most likely have heard of Nick Saban. He is the head coach for the Alabama Crimson Tide. He has been said to be one of the most powerful head coaches in college football today, and his record stands for itself. My reason for talking about him […]
Business today Are you a Victim or a Player?   I don't know about you but I'm not one to want to hang out with the type of individual who blames everything that happens to them on everyone else. Sure we all know someone like this don't we? They tend to see the negative in most everything, they always have something going wrong in […]
Business today How often are you face to face with your customers? I'd like you to meet Joie Gowan. Joie as been in the real estate business for over 25 years. I walk past her office daily on the way to my office. Today I walked by and noticed over 100 of these on her floor. I asked Joie what they were? She told me they are […]
Business today It doesn’t take much, it just takes a little. If the slightest change can make such a huge impact then why do so many people not do it? It amazes me today that you can map out a solution for success for someone and they will still find a way to fail. This image below form the book the Slight Edge explains how only […]
Business today It doesn't take much, it just takes a little. If the slightest change can make such a huge impact then why do so many people not do it? It amazes me today that you can map out a solution for success for someone and they will still find a way to fail. This image below form the book the Slight Edge explains how only […]
Uncategorized When you live in the past it hinders you from moving forward! A quote form Jeff Olson (The slight edge) "It seems most people live with one foot in the past, saying "Only if things had been different, I would be successful." And the other foot in the future, saying "When this or that happens I will be happy/successful." and they completely ignore the present, which is […]
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Business today Showing up on time and being consistent are the keys to success in everything you do! I am re-reading a book called the Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. Great book. In his book he maps out the 7 Slight Edge principals. I'm just talking about the first two. The first two seem so evident and simple but I'm amazed at how many people apparently don't get this. BTW I'm not immune […]
Uncategorized Facebook time line is here! I started using timeline about 3 months ago and I really like the layout. There are a few things that I really like about what you can do with it. 1. Customize your header with a personal photo. This gives your site a great look. 2. Being able to click on the activity button in […]
Business today At the end of the day it’s about customer service. First a THANKYOU then a SORRY, then a GIFT. Wow! Ok so I wasn’t expecting this but hey Starbucks has a very happy customer that felt the need to blog about this. ME! So a few weeks ago I was getting my coffee at my local Starbucks. The person helping me wasn’t doing a good […]
Business today At the end of the day it's about customer service. First a THANKYOU then a SORRY, then a GIFT. Wow! Ok so I wasn’t expecting this but hey Starbucks has a very happy customer that felt the need to blog about this. ME! So a few weeks ago I was getting my coffee at my local Starbucks. The person helping me wasn’t doing a good […]
Business today Be a curator on social media rather than a watcher! Recently I saw a great slide presentation on Socialgraphics in relationship to social media. It shows how many people today in the social media world fall into the area of sharing and watching and only less the 1% are actually curating. This is where I see a huge opportunity for you to excel. Sure it […]
Business today Customer relationships are the key to your business success! I read a stat the other day from NAR. It stated that when a buyer was asked right after the close of their transaction  if they would use their broker again 83% said yes but in reality only 11% actually used the same broker. Same question applied to the Seller and 82% said they would use their broker again but […]
Interesting stuff Lorenzo Romar talks about the concept of teams. So Wednesday I had the pleasure of listening to a talk given by Lorenzo Romar the UW basketball coach. The topic was about being a team. Lorenzo explained that when he took over the team there was clearly a problem with the players in that they had no concept of team. They were all very talented and […]
customer services How are you leaving your mark? I recently read a  post by Seth Godin called: Soles: where he said this. “There’s a sign on most squash courts encouraging players to wear only sneakers with non-marking soles. I’m not sure there’s such a thing. If you’re going to do anything worthy, you’re going to leave a mark.” I really liked this article […]
Business today The great Realtors put their knowledge out into the transparent world! I get asked the questions all the time from Realtors , why would I want to blog? This isn’t always an easy questions to answer not because I don’t have the answer but because many times my answer isn’t what the Realtor wants to hear. I just read a great article from Brian Boero with 1000watt on […]
Real Estate Related The value of a great real estate broker! Being in the house buying arena again I’m very much aware of the need for the expertise of the real estate broker. In saying that, the type of services that I need today vs 11 years ago has not really changed. What has changed are the tools that a broker can use today to enrich the home […]
Business today Sometimes it is good to take a different road! If you look at any successful business, or successful individual they all have something in common. They push the envelope, and they are committed. The other nite I was watching the BRAVO network and the show was Thintervention with Jackie Warner. She is tasked with kicking some butt and inspiring drastic lifestyle changes for her overweight clients who are struggling to lose […]
Business today Let’s be “REAL” people! I want you to think about this quote for just a min. “To utilize social media tools effectively and properly, you must absolutely generate spontaneous communications in direct response to what others are saying or to what is happening in that moment. Be yourself. Be conversational. Be engaged.” – Aliza Sherman, co-owner of social marketing firm […]