Business today

Business today Social Media isn’t a popularity contest! I read a great article yesterday by Brian Solis, Marketing executive with Altimeter. His blog post was “The number one least asked questions in Social Media. Why?” The points he makes in this article is the key to why we do Social Media. There are so many of us that think Social Media is a […]
Business today Be Smart when using a QR code. So there seems to be a big buzz these days about QR codes. I’m seeing them pop up all over the place. The idea behind the QR code is great but I’m finding that Realtors aren’t really thinking about the content behind the code. Let me give you a few examples. So  you have a […]
Business today To what extent do you go to offer great customer services? When your a real estate professional sometimes your services doesn’t just extend to your customers but what about the customers on the other side? Recently I sold my home and my home uses oil for heating. The tank for this home is underground and as some of you may or may not know at some point […]
Business today At the end of the day it's about customer service. First a THANKYOU then a SORRY, then a GIFT. Wow! Ok so I wasn’t expecting this but hey Starbucks has a very happy customer that felt the need to blog about this. ME! So a few weeks ago I was getting my coffee at my local Starbucks. The person helping me wasn’t doing a good […]
Business today At the end of the day it’s about customer service. First a THANKYOU then a SORRY, then a GIFT. Wow! Ok so I wasn’t expecting this but hey Starbucks has a very happy customer that felt the need to blog about this. ME! So a few weeks ago I was getting my coffee at my local Starbucks. The person helping me wasn’t doing a good […]
Business today It’s not just about reading and writing and math today! He  has a great point. I love the show Dirty Jobs and like Mike I have a Dad and had a Grandfather that can and did do just about anything when it comes to construction and building and well, all of it. I’m amazed today at the lack of that knowledge base in even people […]
Business today It's not just about reading and writing and math today! He  has a great point. I love the show Dirty Jobs and like Mike I have a Dad and had a Grandfather that can and did do just about anything when it comes to construction and building and well, all of it. I’m amazed today at the lack of that knowledge base in even people […]
Business today Stop and think before you post a listing to your facebook personal page! Photo courtesy of So I know there are some of you out there that will read this and then keep posting your listings to facebook and that’s just too bad but hey, how does the saying go? “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make  him think!” or something like that. I recently […]
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Business today Keeping up with Mobile computing in Real Estate. I sat through a great presentation by  Matt Dollinger. His presentation was all about “The Future of Computing in Real Estate?”  He gives you some great ideas as it pertains to mobile computing and connecting PC and Macs to mobile devices such as I pads and smart phones. If you have some time I strongly recommend you […]
Business today A blog vs a website! As  Windermere solutions gets ready to launch their new tools set there will be lots of discussion on the topic of blog vs website. 8 years ago a website was a good idea. Today that has shifted especially when it comes to having a website that lives in the world of Real Estate. Today we are seeing a […]
Business today Sales calls make me CRAZY! Just wanted to express how I feel when a sales call comes in that goes like this. “Hi Mr. Fanning I got your name from one of your Windermere Owners. They said you would be the person to talk to about my company XYZ. Have you heard of us? Well  if you haven’t let me […]
Business today How being on the Web is drastically changing! Graph Sources: Cisco estimates based on CAIDA publications, Andrew Odlyzko “You wake up and check your email on your bedside iPad — that’s one app. During breakfast you browse Facebook, Twitter, and The New York Times — three more apps. On the way to the office, you listen to a podcast on your smartphone. Another app. At […]
Business today Be a curator on social media rather than a watcher! Recently I saw a great slide presentation on Socialgraphics in relationship to social media. It shows how many people today in the social media world fall into the area of sharing and watching and only less the 1% are actually curating. This is where I see a huge opportunity for you to excel. Sure it […]
Business today Customer relationships are the key to your business success! I read a stat the other day from NAR. It stated that when a buyer was asked right after the close of their transaction  if they would use their broker again 83% said yes but in reality only 11% actually used the same broker. Same question applied to the Seller and 82% said they would use their broker again but […]
Business today The great Realtors put their knowledge out into the transparent world! I get asked the questions all the time from Realtors , why would I want to blog? This isn’t always an easy questions to answer not because I don’t have the answer but because many times my answer isn’t what the Realtor wants to hear. I just read a great article from Brian Boero with 1000watt on […]
Business today Sometimes it is good to take a different road! If you look at any successful business, or successful individual they all have something in common. They push the envelope, and they are committed. The other nite I was watching the BRAVO network and the show was Thintervention with Jackie Warner. She is tasked with kicking some butt and inspiring drastic lifestyle changes for her overweight clients who are struggling to lose […]
Business today Let’s be “REAL” people! I want you to think about this quote for just a min. “To utilize social media tools effectively and properly, you must absolutely generate spontaneous communications in direct response to what others are saying or to what is happening in that moment. Be yourself. Be conversational. Be engaged.” – Aliza Sherman, co-owner of social marketing firm […]
Business today Let's be "REAL" people! I want you to think about this quote for just a min. “To utilize social media tools effectively and properly, you must absolutely generate spontaneous communications in direct response to what others are saying or to what is happening in that moment. Be yourself. Be conversational. Be engaged.” – Aliza Sherman, co-owner of social marketing firm […]
Business today A different spin on Social Media. So today I had to de-friend someone. Why you ask? Because they were so focused on being a Real Estate agent that they no longer added value to my wall, but rather filled it up with listing noise that I wasn’t interested in hearing about. Lets remember that Social media is about being social. If […]
Business today Whats the deal with business cards? So I was looking at my desk the other day and noticed a stack of business cards that I have collected over the past few months. You know how it goes, you go to a business meeting and we all exchange business cards. While in the meeting if I look around the room I also […]