Business today

Business today Companies to talk about. I know we all grumble about insurance. Well I know I do. I have to tell you that I won’t grumble anymore. The above photo is my car after it was T-boned in an intersection about a block from my house yesterday. ” No one was hurt and it was actually my neighbor who collided […]
Business today Real Estate, Relationships, and the Digital Age. When I was first introduced to the world of real estate in 1995, less than two percent of real estate agents used computers. It was a world based primarily on interruptive marketing to a farm of unknown individuals. Today, relationship marketing is still very much alive, but now consumers have access to an infinite amount […]
Business today People tend to work with people they Know, Like, and Trust. This whole idea of relationships is pretty easy if you stop and think about the people in your own world that you tend to do business with. Ask yourself a few questions then apply it to how you conduct your business. 1. Do you tend to work with others that only reach out to you […]
Business today What is "Fabled Services"? The last few days I’ve been teaching for Windermere in a class called Ninja Installation! The class is about life and business and the concept of, the more you give the more you receive. It also is about mastery and being extra ordinary, going above and beyond and getting people to say WOW!. By doing […]
Business today What is “Fabled Services”? The last few days I’ve been teaching for Windermere in a class called Ninja Installation! The class is about life and business and the concept of, the more you give the more you receive. It also is about mastery and being extra ordinary, going above and beyond and getting people to say WOW!. By doing […]
Business today What you focus on expands. Have you ever been around someone and they just seem to darken the room? Their thoughts are just so entrenched on a negative focus and they never seem to understand why they attract so much negativity. Then you also know those individuals that seem to have such amazing things happen to them and they are […]
Business today Fun ice breakers at our Windermere RMS class with @nik_nik Well the last few days was awesome. Windermere’s 40th Anniversary Symposium was heald at the Seattle Sheraton. There many great classes to chose from. I have to say however that there was one class that really shined. This class had really great agents attending and one particular instructor that started one of the mornings off […]
Business today Tools to help the Real Estate agents. So Today at the Windermere’s 40th anniversary symposium we unveiled a new Ipad application called Touch CMA. This program is very robust and I thought I would just show you some of the screen shots of its functionality. Cover page of your CMA Map of comps around your home that has been GEO located. Draw […]
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Business today Excellence vs mediocre, your decision. I recently watch a video from the Inman confernece in New York where Chris Smith was interviewing Phil Libin the CEO of evernote. There were two things he said that really stuck out to me. The first was that there are some amazing sites out there for searching real estate, however he did not mention […]
Business today Relationship, Marketing, Specialist. Well Jan 25th to the 26th at the Windermere annual Symposium agents will be able to take a two day course that will teach you how to become a Relationship Marketing Specialist in this new world of digital. Topics will cover 1. What has changed 2. Leveraging Social Marketing for Real Estate 3. What is […]
Business today 10 Common mistakes in sales work. So I read this article in the Puget Sound Business Journal last week and found that there are some mistakes I have made. I thought hmmmm.. I’m sure all of us have made some of these mistakes so I’m going to list them out for you. If you want to read the entire article written […]
Business today Let me tell you what they didn’t print. Let me tell you what didn’t get printed. I also said that Just having a great website isn’t enough in today’s world. Windermere understands that you have to compete on all levels which is why we are launching some new amazing tools and options for our customers with a new site. Great new […]
Business today Let me tell you what they didn't print. Let me tell you what didn’t get printed. I also said that Just having a great website isn’t enough in today’s world. Windermere understands that you have to compete on all levels which is why we are launching some new amazing tools and options for our customers with a new site. Great new […]
Business today The fabric of the Windermere culture. Being out in the field I’m often asked what is it about Windermere that has kept me here for 14 years. There are many reasons but below is a quote form a colleague and friend of mine at Windermere, Pat Grimm. This  was written on the bottom of his owner’s meeting agenda for next week. […]
Business today Consumers aren’t listening anymore, there is too much noise! so today in the world of marketing we are completely overwhelmed with advertising in multiple mediums. I can prove this point using my son as an example. He can see 5 commercials on TV on a given Saturday, or look at an add in his kids magazine or here a radio commercial about a toy […]
Business today Consumers aren't listening anymore, there is too much noise! so today in the world of marketing we are completely overwhelmed with advertising in multiple mediums. I can prove this point using my son as an example. He can see 5 commercials on TV on a given Saturday, or look at an add in his kids magazine or here a radio commercial about a toy […]
Business today The person in the room with the most information wins. A recent stat I saw a few days ago stated that 73% of Realtors make most of their income from non real estate work. Scary! What if you walked into a coffee shop and the person making your latte was your doctor? I don’t know about you, but that would not instill very much confidence […]
Business today Blogging does matter. As Windermere gets ready to launch their new websites that are based on a wordpress platform it will be a huge opportunity for many of you to think about having a blog. I for one truly believe in blogging. That said there will be many of you that may not think that blogging adds […]
Business today Social Media does not generate business, relationships generate business! Yep you heard that correctly! I just attended an amazing Windermere Installation taught by Larry Kendall from the Group out of Fort Collins Colorado.  The entire premise of the Ninja program is based around being in the FLOW, and understanding that Real Estate is a CAREER! I’m always amazed when I talk to groups of Realtors and […]
Business today Social Media isn’t a popularity contest! I read a great article yesterday by Brian Solis, Marketing executive with Altimeter. His blog post was “The number one least asked questions in Social Media. Why?” The points he makes in this article is the key to why we do Social Media. There are so many of us that think Social Media is a […]